Thursday, February 10, 2011

Week 4: World Building

Once upon a time, I did a senior thesis project on world building. Fictional world building, that is. Literally, creating a believable universe from scratch. In the end, I made up 4 difference Earth’s that each diverged from the others through only a handful of decsions. Now, I’m faced with building a cartoon world filled with zombies and stick figure men and let me tell you, this kind of world building is a whole lot harder. I am now at the stage of production where I am creating assets for my film. Assets include, but are not limited to, props, actors, special effects, sets, and anything else that I need to make up my little world. Now, I only have to create 45 objects – that doesn’t sound like a lot. However, each of these are often made up of several smaller pieces. Each of these pieces needs to be replicated five times and subltly modified. After that, they need to be extracted separately in Photoshop and be saved as .pngs. Finally, they have to be imported into After Effects, compiled into boiling holds, combined further into the objects they were originally, rigged with puppet pin tools and then – and only then – can I start animating.
The animating is going to be cake. Getting there, well that’s another story entirely. Wish me luck. I have to get back to work now.

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