Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Week 11: One

One. Just one. There can be only one. One is the lonliest number. Once singular sensation. One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic. One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. One good turn deserves another. We are all one. Just one. One.

If you haven't figured out by the rambling introduction to this blog entry, I am having a fixation with the number one right now. With good reason too: I have one - just one - more scene to animate for my film. "I Hate Zombies" is almost finished. You cannot even begin to image how I feel right now. I was so assured that this would be an abysmal failure at one point that I almost didn't continue. Now, there is merely a week's worth of work to do to complete the final rough cut of the film. Un-freaking-believable!!!

I could dance right now, I'm so happy!

Right. No time to rest on my laurals. I have to get right back to work because even though this will be done in a week, there is still a lot of tweaking I want to do. I want this to be a representation of my very best work. I want this to be something I can be proud of. I want this to be something that might just win at a film festival. I want this...to get me a job...

Stay tuned.

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